Joy Goldstein Consulting

Focused on Nonprofits


We can help you reach your goals.

Joy Goldstein has a proven track record of helping large and small 501(c)(3) organizations pivot and change, sharpen their focus, and improve their effectiveness. Our core focus areas are strategic planning, program alignment, grantmaking strategy, evaluation and research services.

Joy's expertise as a planning consultant was deeply valued ... Joy understands how to ask the right questions to maximize results.
— Judy Alperin, Former CEO
Jewish Federation, Foundation and JCC of New Haven


Joy is an accomplished, innovative leader and problem-solver with demonstrated success in diverse nonprofit environments. She has:


Connect with Joy on LinkedIn

Consulted with dozens of Jewish Federations in the areas of strategic planning, grantmaking, evaluation, program integration, and human services

Guided multiple communities to navigate complex redesigns of their planning and funding processes

Developed higher education institutional effectiveness plans that assure full regulatory compliance at the state and federal levels

Worked with philanthropists and foundations to clarify their goals and amplify their impact

Conducted complex analyses of proposed federal and state regulations for an association of hospitals

She is a marvel – committed, responsible and smart ... She helped us manage the workflow and kept us on point.
— Danny Grossman, Former CEO
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco


Our services are catered to the strategic and operational needs of non-profit organizations of all sizes. Scroll down to see some of the key services we provide.

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Strategic Planning

Planning helps organizations focus their limited resources on their major priorities. We will help you clarify your organizational, programmatic and operational goals without getting lost in the process. We can:

  • Facilitate comprehensive strategic planning

  • Conduct needs assessments

  • Perform stakeholder research

  • Explore mergers and acquisitions

  • Frame and write actionable strategic plans

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Grantmaking Support

Whether you favor strategic or responsive grantmaking, we will help you maximize the impact of your investments. We can:

  • Work with your board to define or refine your grantmaking strategy

  • Help you craft guidelines for grantmaking

  • Conduct program evaluations

  • Track grants and prepare materials for your board meetings


Evaluation and Research

Decisions aren’t made in a vacuum. We will help you obtain the information you need to advance your mission. We can:

  • Conduct program evaluations to assess outcomes and impacts

  • Develop and administer stakeholder surveys and key informant interviews

  • Synthesize data from existing reports and analyses

  • Conduct cost-benefit analyses

Not only was Joy knowledgeable and astute, her calm presence helped guide me ... For someone so experienced, she was able to explain at the most basic level.
— Amanda Schechter, Executive Director
Yeshivat Maharat


How can we help you and your organization? Let’s get started with a conversation!



She is an insightful strategist whose technical and people skills make her an indispensable partner in any planning project.
— Stephanie Wagner, Chief Impact Officer
Milwaukee Jewish Federation